

PHOTO: JOSEPH JOHNSON/STUFF New Housing Minister Megan Woods is no stranger to a hardhat and Hi Vis, but may be in for a few surprises when it comes to implementing KiwiBuild.

OPINION: Belief is powerful. It can also be beautiful; the way a child has complete trust in their parents or the unfailing certainty of Warriors fans that next year is our year.

It is also resistant to reason; something that becomes self-evident to anyone who has spoken to a New Zealand First voter.

For many, a blind adherence to an outdated idea, like astrology or the gender pay gap, is harmless.

When combined with political power it can cause problems. We are seeing this in the unravelling of KiwiBuild.

Labour believes that capitalism is to blame for the lack of affordable accommodation. Because the magic capitalist economic machine thing didn’t make enough houses Labour convinced themselves that what was needed was government intervention.