Open Home

PHOTO: Open Homes

Real estate agents will be able to operate in a way that is much more like normal when the country returns to level 2.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has outlined what that alert level looks like, although a decision will not be made until next week on whether to move.

Under level 2, open homes and rental viewings involved fewer than 100 people can take place, provided those involved keep a physical distance of one metre at all times, and hygiene etiquette is adhered to.

That would mean regular cleaning of high-touch areas and contract-tracing systems for everyone present.

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Sale and purchase agreements can be negotiated in person and auctions involving fewer than 100 people can happen.

People will be able to move house between regions.

“Getting the real estate profession up and running in a manner that is more ‘normal’ than we’ve seen in the past six weeks is a huge step and one that will be warmly welcomed by buyers, sellers and real estate agents across the country,” said Real Estate Institute chief executive Bindi Norwell.
