Amy Adams


PHOTO: Amy Adams

New Zealanders love buying property – despite popular hostility to investors – and so too do our elected representatives. This year’s register of MP’s pecuniary interests reveals how much

Nearly two thirds of Parliament’s 120 MPs qualify as multiple property owners. That’s a total of 77 – including those with shares in blocks of Maori land – who own, or have interests in, two or more properties.

Of those MPs with two or more properties, the majority (43) are from the National Party. Former National Party MP Jami Lee Ross, who is now an independent, is also a multiple property owner.

The Labour Party has 32 MPs who qualify as multiple property owners, while NZ First has five MPs who are and the Greens have just one multiple property owner (Eugenie Sage) among their ranks.

But the MPs with the biggest property portfolios are all – bar one – National Party MPs.

They include Amy Adams, Nathan Guy, Dr Parmjeet Parmar, Anne Tolley, Gerry Brownlee, Jacqui Dean, Nicky Wagner, Barbara Kuriger and Nuk Korako. All of them have property portfolios of five or more properties.

The exception is Labour List MP Raymond Huo. He owns just one property outright but is a shareholder of a company which owns nine rental properties.

NZ First’s Shane Jones, who is Minister of Regional Development also has a significant number of properties: he has five.

Read the full register of MP’s pecuniary interests here.