Isle of Skye in Scotland

PHOTO: Isle of Skye in Scotland. PlanetWare

Ever wanted to get paid tens of thousands of dollars to move somewhere often described as “one of the most beautiful places in the world”?

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Well, if said places are either the archipelago of Orkney or the Isle of Skye in Scotland … you’re in luck.

In an effort to stave off increasing depopulation in these stunning, albeit remote, parts of the UK constituent country, the Scottish government is handing out incentives of up to £50,000 ($88,000) for people to move to the bucolic countryside.

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One of the main streets of Portree, which is the capital town on the Isle of Skye. (Wikimedia Commons)

Called the Island Bond fund, the scheme’s mission statement reads: “The Scottish Government committed to developing a £5 million ($8.9 million) Islands Bond fund, providing up to £50,000 each for up to 100 households by 2026, by providing financial support for island residents to remain in their community, or to encourage people to move there.

“We launched the Islands Bond consultation on 2 August 2021, providing an opportunity for our island residents in particular to identify the key challenges that a bond may be able to respond to.”

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The town of Stromness, which has the second-higest population in Orkney. (Wikimedia Commons)

According to, the payment scheme has already been very well received, with applications coming from as far away as South America.


It’s hoped that, aside from increasing the locales’ populations, it will also encourage newcomers to innovate and establish new businesses in the region, which would boost the local economy.

It sounds like a good idea to us, and if you were wondering how long the flight from Sydney to Glasgow was, it’s roughly 25-hours.